On the 18th of September, the Parti Poétique and COAL celebrate the second edition of the T&T Days, in Zone Sensible. Join us for a day to celebrate art, nature, food and culture in the suburbs of Paris.
Récits-recettes cooking workshop with cheffe Ranwa Stephan and celebration of the publication
Time to be confirmed, 15 participants max
For a year, the research laboratory LADYSS-CNRS has collected 40 stories of Saint-Denis locals on their way of cooking. Where to buy vegetables, how to choose them, how to cut them, cook them, transform them, all the tips, and stories, that compose the Saint-Denis terroir. These Saint-Denis recipes were regrouped and published in a book designed by the art collective SILO. For its publication, we celebrate by bringing those recipes to life with the local cheffe Ranwa Stephan. Register at contact@projetcoal.fr
Paysages à Boire, wine degustation workshop with artist Anthony Duchêne and editorial manager of Figaro Vin, Alicia Dorey
Time to be confirmed, 20 participants max
In his research over Europe, artist Anthony Duchene explores and highlights specific, natural and atypical techniques implemented by winegrowers who base their vision and their work on the interaction between the “animal, mineral and vegetable worlds”. Through this workshop, Anthony will present his one year research project and invite participants to savour natural wines along with wine expert and journalist Alicia Dorey.
Register at contact@projetcoal.fr
Decorated bread, workshop with artist Maria Varela
Time to be confirmed, 15 participants max
In Greek tradition decorated breads were used to visualise a desire or wish by the person who created or requested the bread. Endowed with a supernatural potential these breads used to be decorated with symbols inspired by daily life and nature. Maria Varela in her work “Decorated Bread” created a database of contemporary wishes. In this workshop we will create decorated breads using the wishes’ database. While learning the traditional technique, we will update the traditional symbols and each participant will create a unique narrative on the top of the bread. By the end of the workshops all breads will be baked to delicious coded wishes! You can read more about Decorated Bread Project here.
Artist website here.
Register at contact@projetcoal.fr
Installation by artist duo Trapier-Duporté
Artist website here.
Audio performance by Reese Schumacher, artist in residency
Practical information:
Saturday 18th of September 2021
112 avenue de Stalingrad – 93200 Saint-Denis